South Ave -Walnut – Chestnut

Properties at 201 Walnut Ave / 100-126 South Ave / 2 Chestnut Street / 32 High Street

UPDATE: March 4, 2023

The 201 Walnut Avenue application was approved by the Cranford Planning Board at their March 1, 2023 meeting.

The next phase of the development coming before the Planning Board is 108-126 South Avenue East, 32 High Street and 2 Chestnut Street. A diagram of the entire area is on page 4 of the Redevelopment Plan.

UPDATE: February 11, 2023

On February 15, 2023 the Cranford Planning Board will continue hearing the 201 Walnut Avenue application.

This is the Redevelopment Plan for the entire area.

UPDATE: February 2, 2023

The planning Board began hearing for 201 Walnut Avenue. This is one phase of the Redevelopment Plan also consisting of 100-126 South Ave, 2 Chestnut Street and 32 High Street Applicant is seeking Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan Approval to construct a three (3) story multi-family apartment building, consisting of thirty-four (34) market-rate units, two (2) affordable housing units, and three (3) special needs housing units, for a total of thirty-nine (39) units. has the documents related to 201 Walnut Avenue.

On January 24, 2023 the Township Committee also approved the redeveloper’s plans for the 100-126 South Avenue Phase of the Rehabilitation Area as consistent with the Redevelopment Plan, and authorizes submission of a Site Plan Application to the Planning Board for the South Avenue Phase.

The Redevelopment Plan for the entire project is here.

The redevelopment agreement for the entire project is at

UPDATE: January 1, 2023

The 201 Walnut Avenue application hearing is also scheduled to begin on January 18, 2023.

UPDATE: December 26, 2022

At the Township Committee Meeting on December 13, 2022 the ordinance establishing a  PILOT agreement (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) for South Ave-Walnut Ave was adopted by a 3 to 1 vote. The Ordinance for South Ave-Walnut Ave is:

Ordinance 2022-28 for South Ave-Walnut Ave

UPDATE: December 6, 2022

At the Township Committee Meeting on November 22, 2022, two Ordinances were introduced  to establish “a financial agreement” for redevelopment of 750 Walnut Ave and Walnut Ave – South Ave. This refers to a PILOT (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) agreement with each entity. The Ordinances are:

Ordinance 2022-27 for 750 Walnut Ave
Ordinance 2022-28 for Walnut Ave – South Ave

The Planning Board Agenda for December 7, 2022 will continue the Hartz Mountain application for Walnut Ave and  201 Walnut Ave LLC for 201 Walnut Ave.

UPDATE: October 20, 2022

The hearing for 201 Walnut Ave is pushed back to November 30, 2022. At the request of the applicant, the attorney for the board will review a potential conflict of interest for a board member that may require her recusal from the hearings.

UPDATE: July 3, 2022

Township Committee Resolution executing a Redevelopment Agreement for the 201 Walnut / 100-126 South Ave / 2 Chestnut / 32 High St

UPDATE: May 28, 2022

The proposed Site Plan for Phase I of the South & Chestnut Redevelopment Project was presented to the Cranford Township Committee at their Workshop Meeting on Monday, May 11, 2022.

The Committee passed the project’s Redevelopment Agreement at the Official Meeting on Tuesday, May 12, 2022. The Plan is scheduled to begin hearings by the Planning Board in July 2022.

An article describing the Site Plan presentation is in the May 11, 2022 edition of TAPintoCranford:  Architect Presents Proposed Site Plans, Exterior Design for Cranford’s South and Chestnut Redevelopment

UPDATE: February 21, 2022

The South Avenue and Chestnut Redevelopment Plan has been posted on the Township website.

At the request of Cranford’s Downtown Management Corporation, in October 2021, Connolly & Hickey, Historical Architects, reviewed the concept drawings for the South Ave. and Chestnut Street Redevelopment projects. The report reads in part, “The concept designs, as presented, are messy, have no clear architectural vocabulary, and would not add value to Cranford’s downtown.”

UPDATE: November 14, 2021

There will be a Public Meeting on development plans for the South Ave and Chestnut St Rehabilitation Area on Thursday, November 18 at 7:00 pm at the Cranford Community Center on Walnut Ave. This will be hosted by Topology Planner Annie Hindenlang and will also be available on TV35.

If you are unable to attend but have questions, email

UPDATE: July 21, 2021
Topology also met with the Cranford Downtown Management Corporation (DMC) Board to discuss this rehabilitation area. View the presentation here.

In September 2020 Topology NJ was chosen by the Planning Board to do an investigation on certain properties to determine if they should be designated an area in need of rehabilitation. The properties identified are:

An image of the overall project area is on page 37 of the Fair Share Plan. The owner of 100 – 126 South Ave and 201 Walnut proposes 55 residential units for 100 – 126 South Ave and 40 for 201 Walnut with a 20% affordable set-aside.

The Topology Report determined the properties meet the designation.